Troyer Mine
Troyer Brothers Farms, located in eastern Lee County requested an amendment to the Lee County Comprehensive Plan to include the property within the County’s Mining Overlay, known as Map 14. Concurrently, a Mine Excavation Planned Development (MEPD) was requested to permit 781 acres of resource extraction and a reclamation plan that creates over 1,000 acres of open space and hydrologic restoration.
On Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2019 the Lee County Board of County Commissioners voted to adopt the requested Comprehensive Plan Amendment and MEPD zoning application. The final plan for the mine interconnects on-site preservation lands with adjacent County owned Conservation Lands to promote greater flowways and wildlife habitat in the region. Prior to the sale of limerock from the property 703 acres of enhancement and restoration will occur and be placed under conservation easement. Access to the property will only be provided from SR 82, which is currently being widened and improved by the Florida Department of Transportation as a Strategic Intermodal Corridor.
Lead members of the Morris-Depew planning team assisted with planning and project coordination. Additionally, Morris-Depew’s director of landscape architecture is providing graphics, buffering and wildlife corridor plans, and assistance with restoration and reclamation programs. Members of our civil engineering team are overseeing the surface water management, pollution prevention and site civil engineering issues, as well as provide survey-related support to verify boundary lines and provide application materials.